Tuesday, March 6, 2012

In Deus Ex Human Revolution, what is the best strategy to acrue PP (augmentation points) over the course of...?

I'm a completionist in games like this to a point, so I hate only unlocking a sliver of the guy's potential. So in Deus Ex Human Revolution, what is the best strategy to acrue the most PP (augmentation points) over the course of the game? For example, even though I've never played the original, I've learned that non-lethal tactics will earn more experience, and also that tranq darts are the more common loot out of my 2 first choices of non-lethal weapons, but it's common enough to have enough ammo to use on everyone. I used a takedown, but used my only extra energy cell on the first board on the first guy, so that doesn't look like a promising strategy. What ammo/tactic should I be using and what kind of things should I be looking for (empty grates, destructible walls, etc)?In Deus Ex Human Revolution, what is the best strategy to acrue PP (augmentation points) over the course of...?
I rarely use stealth (but I get bonus points inadvertently a lot even when I'm not trying to be stealthy or was caught or wasn't doing it on purpose or don't know what I did to earn them) and never use non-lethal weapons (unless I'm out of everything else or if I have to), I still get enough points to unlock almost all of the augmentations.

Being a marksman gets you the Marksman xp bonus for each headshot kill you make. The pistol is best for this because it's good at putting in well-placed shots. You can also do this with a sniper rifle, a weapon with a laser sight, or other weapons if your aim is good. You can get this bonus too at random if a turret or sentry you hack kills the enemies with a headshot.

Silent takedowns and nonlethal kills gets you the Merciful Soul xp bonus. I can't exactly remember if an augmentation upgrade had anything to do with it, but the last battery still recharges if you've used up all the others.

Not being seen by enemies on a level gets you the Ghost xp bonus. Watch their patrol paths or field of view. Wait until they turn their backs before killing them, and when no one is looking. The cloak augmentation is good for this, and so is the wall lean.

Read all the e-books and newspapers, even if just hitting the button and closing out. You get the Scholar xp bonus for being an avid reader.

Not setting off alarms on a level gets you the Smooth Operator bonus. There are always control panels nearby to shut them off, or avoid being seen, or stop someone trying to set off an alarm before they do.

Hack every computer and control panel you see. This is really just a waste of time but you get a lot of xp for it. Get those cube-shaped nodes for goodies (credits, virus program, worm program, or xp points). You also get the hacking bonuses like script kiddie, gray hat, black hat, master hacker, etc.

Go into every air duct or secret area to get the Pathfinder xp bonus. Again, this is really a waste of time. Except for the secret passages that gets you to some useful reward like a heavy weapon or a praxis kit. Find those back doors.

Find the hidden areas behind walls with a crack in it. They often have credits, weapons, weapons upgrades, or praxis kits. You can actually get a good number of praxis kits by finding these secret areas. The augmented strength punch and object highlighting helps with this, or an explosive. If you go into every room with a lock, you'd be surprised at what you could find. Like some apartments being an illegal augmentation lab with praxis kits. Explore every bit of the levels.

Some praxis kits will actually be just in plain sight for your taking, but it could be a trap.

Get a lot of credits, so you can buy those praxis kits from the LIMB clinics (even Panchea has one). You get an automatic 10k credit bonus (plus new weapons) in the beginning if you have the pre-order or DLC. Or ransack every room, closet drawer, office, safe (wall safes are often hidden behind suspicious picture frames on walls), lockup, and locker you see and look for credit chips lying around throughout a level. You can also sell inventory items you don't need to arms dealers to get credits, including picking up enemies' dropped weapons or stuff laying around and go trade them.

Doing all the secondary objectives or side quests gets you the Completionist xp. But some people in the side quests may reward you with a praxis kit. So can a silver tongue. like Bobby Bao in the Hive nightclub who gives you a praxis kit if you do his side quest. And general xp during the missions.

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